Friday 2 April 2010

Day 56: Things I will miss

As I enter my final few days in Buenos Aires, the goodbyes (and the late nights that inevitably accompany every "adios") have made me all reflective about my month here.

1. That buskers on trains get warm applause
2. That nearly everyone reads newspapers
3. That there are bookshops on every street
4. That waiters dress smart, no matter how crap the café
5. That you always get a glass of water with your coffee
6. The Water Board building (pictured) and red post boxes
7. That straight men of all ages greet each other with a kiss
8. People sweeping steps and polishing intercom systems every morning
9. Football on telly every night
10. My Argentinian friends

1. Queuing to pay for a drink and then queuing to be served it
2. Everyone standing on descending escalators
3. Spanish verbs

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